
Property Name Default Value Description Type Is Private? Is Unstable? Is Evolving?
tez.dag.recovery.enabled true Boolean value. Enable recovery of DAGs. This allows a restarted app master to recover the incomplete DAGs from the previous instance of the app master. boolean false false false
tez.dag.recovery.io.buffer.size 8192 Int value. Size in bytes for the IO buffer size while processing the recovery file. Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.dag.recovery.flush.interval.secs 30 Int value. Interval, in seconds, between flushing recovery data to the recovery log. integer false false false
tez.dag.recovery.max.unflushed.events 100 Int value. Number of recovery events to buffer before flushing them to the recovery log. integer false false false
tez.task.heartbeat.timeout.check-ms 30000 Int value. Time interval, in milliseconds, between checks for lost tasks. Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.task.timeout-ms 300000 Int value. Time interval, in milliseconds, within which a task must heartbeat to the app master before its considered lost. Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.am.acls.enabled true Boolean value. Configuration to enable/disable ACL checks. boolean false false false
tez.allow.disabled.timeline-domains false Boolean value. Allow disabling of Timeline Domains even if Timeline is being used. boolean true false false
tez.am.client.am.port-range null String value. Range of ports that the AM can use when binding for client connections. Leave blank to use all possible ports. Expert level setting. It's hadoop standard range configuration. For example 50000-50050,50100-50200 string false false false
tez.am.client.heartbeat.timeout.secs -1 Int value. Time interval (in seconds). If the Tez AM does not receive a heartbeat from the client within this time interval, it will kill any running DAG and shut down. Required to re-cycle orphaned Tez applications where the client is no longer alive. A negative value can be set to disable this check. For a positive value, the minimum value is 10 seconds. Values between 0 and 10 seconds will be reset to the minimum value. Only relevant in session mode. This is disabled by default i.e. by default, the Tez AM will go on to complete the DAG and only kill itself after hitting the DAG submission timeout defined by {@link #TEZ_SESSION_AM_DAG_SUBMIT_TIMEOUT_SECS} integer false false false
tez.am.client.am.thread-count 2 Int value. Number of threads to handle client RPC requests. Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.am.commit-all-outputs-on-dag-success true Boolean value. Determines when the final outputs to data sinks are committed. Commit is an output specific operation and typically involves making the output visible for consumption. If the config is true, then the outputs are committed at the end of DAG completion after all constituent vertices have completed. If false, outputs for each vertex are committed after that vertex succeeds. Depending on the desired output visibility and downstream consumer dependencies this value must be appropriately chosen. Defaults to the safe choice of true. boolean false false false
tez.am.containerlauncher.thread-count-limit 500 Int value. Upper limit on the number of threads user to launch containers in the app master. Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.am.container.idle.release-timeout-max.millis 10000 Int value. The maximum amount of time to hold on to a container if no task can be assigned to it immediately. Only active when reuse is enabled. The value must be +ve and >= TezConfiguration#TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_IDLE_RELEASE_TIMEOUT_MIN_MILLIS. Containers will have an expire time set to a random value between TezConfiguration#TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_IDLE_RELEASE_TIMEOUT_MIN_MILLIS && TezConfiguration#TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_IDLE_RELEASE_TIMEOUT_MAX_MILLIS. This creates a graceful reduction in the amount of idle resources held long false false false
tez.am.container.idle.release-timeout-min.millis 5000 Int value. The minimum amount of time to hold on to a container that is idle. Only active when reuse is enabled. Set to -1 to never release idle containers (not recommended). integer false false false
tez.am.container.reuse.enabled true Boolean value. Configuration to specify whether container should be reused across tasks. This improves performance by not incurring recurring launch overheads. boolean false false false
tez.am.container.reuse.locality.delay-allocation-millis 250 Int value. The amount of time to wait before assigning a container to the next level of locality. NODE -> RACK -> NON_LOCAL. Delay scheduling parameter. Expert level setting. long false false false
tez.am.container.reuse.new-containers.enabled false Boolean value. Whether to reuse new containers that could not be immediately assigned to pending requests. If enabled then newly assigned containers that cannot be immediately allocated will be held for potential reuse as if it were a container that had just completed a task. If disabled then newly assigned containers that cannot be immediately allocated will be released. Active only if container reuse is enabled. boolean false false false
tez.am.container.reuse.non-local-fallback.enabled false Boolean value. Whether to reuse containers for non-local tasks. Active only if reuse is enabled. Turning this on can severely affect locality and can be bad for jobs with high data volume being read from the primary data sources. boolean false false false
tez.am.container.reuse.rack-fallback.enabled true Boolean value. Whether to reuse containers for rack local tasks. Active only if reuse is enabled. boolean false false false
tez.am.credentials-merge null Boolean value. If true then Tez will add the ApplicationMaster credentials to all task credentials. boolean false false false
tez.am.dag.appcontext.thread-count-limit 10 Int value. Upper limit on the number of threads used by app context (vertex management and input init events). integer false false false
tez.am.dag.cleanup.on.completion false Boolean value. Instructs AM to delete Dag directory upon completion boolean false false false
tez.am.dag.deletion.thread-count-limit 10 Int value. Upper limit on the number of threads used to delete DAG directories, Vertex directories and failed task attempts directories on nodes. integer false false false
tez.am.dag.scheduler.class org.apache.tez.dag.app.dag.impl.DAGSchedulerNaturalOrder String value. The class to be used for DAG Scheduling. Expert level setting. string false false false
tez.am.deletion.tracker.class org.apache.tez.dag.app.launcher.DeletionTrackerImpl String value that is a class name. Specify the class to use for Deletion tracking. string false false false
tez.am.disable.client-version-check false Boolean value. Disable version check between client and AM/DAG. Default false. boolean true false false
tez.am.task.estimator.exponential.lambda.ms null Long value. Specifies amount of time (in ms) of the lambda value in the smoothing function of the task estimator long false false true
tez.am.task.estimator.exponential.skip.initials 24 The number of initial readings that the estimator ignores before giving a prediction. At the beginning the smooth estimator won't be accurate in prediction integer false false true
tez.am.task.estimator.exponential.stagnated.ms null The window length in the simple exponential smoothing that considers the task attempt is stagnated. long false false true
tez.am.failure.on.missing.recovery.data false Boolean value. When set, this enables AM to fail when DAG recovery is enabled and restarted app master did not find anything to recover Expert level setting. boolean false false false
tez.am.inline.task.execution.enabled false Tez AM Inline Mode flag. Not valid till Tez-684 get checked-in boolean true false false
tez.am.inline.task.execution.max-tasks 1 Int value. The maximum number of tasks running in parallel within the app master process. integer false false false
tez.am.launch.cluster-default.cmd-opts -server -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dhadoop.metrics.log.level=WARN String value. Command line options which will be prepended to {@link #TEZ_AM_LAUNCH_CMD_OPTS} during the launch of the AppMaster process. This property will typically be configured to include default options meant to be used by all jobs in a cluster. If required, the values can be overridden per job. string false false false
tez.am.launch.cluster-default.env null String value. Env settings will be merged with {@link #TEZ_AM_LAUNCH_ENV} during the launch of the AppMaster process. This property will typically be configured to include default system env meant to be used by all jobs in a cluster. If required, the values can be appended to per job. string false false false
tez.am.launch.cmd-opts null String value. Command line options provided during the launch of the Tez AppMaster process. Its recommended to not set any Xmx or Xms in these launch opts so that Tez can determine them automatically. string false false false
tez.am.launch.env String value. Env settings for the Tez AppMaster process. Should be specified as a comma-separated of key-value pairs where each pair is defined as KEY=VAL e.g. "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.,USERNAME=foo" These take least precedence compared to other methods of setting env. These get added to the app master environment prior to launching it. This setting will prepend existing settings in the cluster default string false false false
tez.am.legacy.speculative.single.task.vertex.timeout -1 Long value. Specifies the timeout after which tasks on a single task vertex must be speculated. A negative value means not to use timeout for speculation of single task vertices. long false false true
tez.am.legacy.speculative.slowtask.threshold null Float value. Specifies how many standard deviations away from the mean task execution time should be considered as an outlier/slow task. float false false true
tez.am.log.level INFO Root Logging level passed to the Tez app master. Simple configuration: Set the log level for all loggers. e.g. INFO This sets the log level to INFO for all loggers. Advanced configuration: Set the log level for all classes, along with a different level for some. e.g. DEBUG;org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO;org.apache.hadoop.security=INFO This sets the log level for all loggers to DEBUG, expect for the org.apache.hadoop.ipc and org.apache.hadoop.security, which are set to INFO Note: The global log level must always be the first parameter. DEBUG;org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO;org.apache.hadoop.security=INFO is valid org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO;org.apache.hadoop.security=INFO is not valid string false false false
tez.am.max.allowed.downstream.host.failures.fraction 0.2 Double value. Assuming that a certain number of downstream hosts reported fetch failure for a given upstream host, this config drives the max allowed ratio of (downstream hosts) / (all hosts). The total number of used hosts are tracked by AMNodeTracker, which divides the distinct number of downstream hosts blaming source(upstream) tasks in a given vertex. If the fraction is beyond this limit, the upstream task attempt is marked as failed (so blamed for the fetch failure). E.g. if this set to 0.2, in case of 3 different hosts reporting fetch failure for the same upstream host in a cluster which currently utilizes 10 nodes, the upstream task is immediately blamed for the fetch failure. Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.am.max.allowed.time-sec.for-read-error 300 int value. Represents the maximum time in seconds for which a consumer attempt can report a read error against its producer attempt, after which the producer attempt will be re-run to re-generate the output. There are other heuristics which determine the retry and mainly try to guard against a flurry of re-runs due to intermittent read errors (due to network issues). This configuration puts a time limit on those heuristics to ensure jobs dont hang indefinitely due to lack of closure in those heuristics Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.am.max.app.attempts 2 Int value. Specifies the number of times the app master can be launched in order to recover from app master failure. Typically app master failures are non-recoverable. This parameter is for cases where the app master is not at fault but is lost due to system errors. Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.am.maxtaskfailures.per.node 10 Int value. Specifies the number of task failures on a node before the node is considered faulty. integer false false false
tez.am.minimum.allowed.speculative.tasks 10 Integer value. The minimum allowed tasks that can be speculatively re-executed at any time. integer false false true
tez.am.modify-acls null String value. AM modify ACLs. This allows the specified users/groups to run modify operations on the AM such as submitting DAGs, pre-warming the session, killing DAGs or shutting down the session. Comma separated list of users, followed by whitespace, followed by a comma separated list of groups string false false false
tez.am.node-blacklisting.enabled true Boolean value. Enabled blacklisting of nodes of nodes that are considered faulty. These nodes will not be used to execute tasks. boolean false false false
tez.am.node-blacklisting.ignore-threshold-node-percent 33 Int value. Specifies the percentage of nodes in the cluster that may be considered faulty. This limits the number of nodes that are blacklisted in an effort to minimize the effects of temporary surges in failures (e.g. due to network outages). integer false false false
tez.am.node-unhealthy-reschedule-tasks false Boolean value. Enable task rescheduling for node updates. When enabled the task scheduler will reschedule task attempts that are associated with an unhealthy node to avoid potential data transfer errors from downstream tasks. boolean false false false
tez.am.preemption.heartbeats-between-preemptions 3 Int value. The number of RM heartbeats to wait after preempting running tasks before preempting more running tasks. After preempting a task, we need to wait at least 1 heartbeat so that the RM can act on the released resources and assign new ones to us. Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.am.preemption.max.wait-time-ms 60000 Int value. Time (in millisecs) that an unsatisfied request will wait before preempting other resources. In rare cases, the cluster says there are enough free resources but does not end up getting enough on a node to actually assign it to the job. This configuration tries to put a deadline on such wait to prevent indefinite job hangs. integer false false false
tez.am.preemption.percentage 10 Int value. Specifies the percentage of tasks eligible to be preempted that will actually be preempted in a given round of Tez internal preemption. This slows down preemption and gives more time for free resources to be allocated by the cluster (if any) and gives more time for preemptable tasks to finish. Valid values are 0-100. Higher values will preempt quickly at the cost of losing work. Setting to 0 turns off preemption. Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.am.proportion.running.tasks.speculatable 0.1 Double value. The max percent (0-1) of running tasks that can be speculatively re-executed at any time. double false false true
tez.am.proportion.total.tasks.speculatable 0.01 Double value. The max percent (0-1) of all tasks that can be speculatively re-executed at any time. double false false true
tez.am.ready.for.submit.timeout.ms 30000 Int value. The AM waits this amount of time when the first DAG is submitted but not all the services are ready. This can happen when the client RPC handler is up and able to accept DAGs but e.g. task scheduler manager is not ready (e.g. a task scheduler is waiting for external resources). A value equal or less than 0 is not supported and leads to an exception. string false false false
tez.am.resource.cpu.vcores 1 Int value. The number of virtual cores to be used by the app master integer false false false
tez.am.resource.memory.mb 1024 Int value. The amount of memory in MB to be used by the AppMaster integer false false false
tez.am.am-rm.heartbeat.interval-ms.max 1000 Int value. The maximum heartbeat interval between the AM and RM in milliseconds Increasing this reduces the communication between the AM and the RM and can help in scaling up. Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.am.session.min.held-containers 0 Int value. The minimum number of containers that will be held in session mode. Not active in non-session mode. Enables an idle session (not running any DAG) to hold on to a minimum number of containers to provide fast response times for the next DAG. integer false false false
tez.am.mode.session false Boolean value. Execution mode for the Tez application. True implies session mode. If the client code is written according to best practices then the same code can execute in either mode based on this configuration. Session mode is more aggressive in reserving execution resources and is typically used for interactive applications where multiple DAGs are submitted in quick succession by the same user. For long running applications, one-off executions, batch jobs etc non-session mode is recommended. If session mode is enabled then container reuse is recommended. boolean false false false
tez.am.shuffle.auxiliary-service.id mapreduce_shuffle String value. Specifies the name of the shuffle auxiliary service. string false false false
tez.am.soonest.retry.after.no.speculate 1000 Long value. Specifies amount of time (in ms) that needs to elapse to do the next round of speculation if there is no task speculated in this round. long false false true
tez.am.soonest.retry.after.speculate 15000 Long value. Specifies amount of time (in ms) that needs to elapse to do the next round of speculation if there are tasks speculated in this round. long false false true
tez.am.speculation.enabled false boolean false false true
tez.am.speculator.class null The class that should be used for speculative execution calculations. string false false false
tez.staging-dir null String value. Specifies a directory where Tez can create temporary job artifacts. string false false false
tez.am.staging.scratch-data.auto-delete true Boolean value. If true then Tez will try to automatically delete temporary job artifacts that it creates within the specified staging dir. Does not affect any user data. boolean false false false
tez.am.task.attempt.cleanup.on.failure false Boolean value. Instructs AM to delete intermediate attempt data for failed task attempts. boolean false false false
tez.am.task.estimator.class null The class that should be used for task runtime estimation. string false false false
tez.am.task.listener.thread-count 30 Int value. The number of threads used to listen to task heartbeat requests. Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.am.task.max.attempts 0 Int value. The maximum number of attempts that can run for a particular task before the task is failed. This count every attempts, including failed, killed attempts. Task failure results in DAG failure. Default is 0, which disables this feature. integer false false false
tez.am.task.max.failed.attempts 4 Int value. The maximum number of attempts that can fail for a particular task before the task is failed. This does not count killed attempts. Task failure results in DAG failure. integer false false false
tez.am.task.reschedule.higher.priority true Boolean value. Specifies whether a re-scheduled attempt of a task, caused by previous failures gets higher priority boolean false false false
tez.am.task.reschedule.relaxed.locality true Boolean value. Specifies whether a re-scheduled attempt of a task, caused by previous failure get relaxed locality boolean false false false
tez.am.tez-ui.history-url.template __HISTORY_URL_BASE__/#/tez-app/__APPLICATION_ID__ String value Tez UI URL template for the application. Expert level setting. The AM will redirect the user to the Tez UI via this url. Template supports the following parameters to be replaced with the actual runtime information: __APPLICATION_ID__ : Replaces this with application ID __HISTORY_URL_BASE__: replaces this with TEZ_HISTORY_URL_BASE For example, "http://uihost:9001/#/tez-app/__APPLICATION_ID__/ will be replaced to http://uihost:9001/#/tez-app/application_1421880306565_0001/ string false false false
tez.am.vertex.cleanup.height 0 Integer value. Instructs AM to delete vertex shuffle data if a vertex and all its child vertices at a certain depth are completed. Value less than or equal to 0 indicates the feature is disabled. Let's say we have a dag Map1 - Reduce2 - Reduce3 - Reduce4. case:1 height = 1 when Reduce 2 completes all the shuffle data of Map1 will be deleted and so on for other vertex. case: 2 height = 2 when Reduce 3 completes all the shuffle data of Map1 will be deleted and so on for other vertex. integer false false false
tez.am.vertex.max-task-concurrency -1 Int value. The maximum number of attempts that can run concurrently for a given vertex. Setting <=0 implies no limit integer false false false
tez.am.view-acls null String value. AM view ACLs. This allows the specified users/groups to view the status of the AM and all DAGs that run within this AM. Comma separated list of users, followed by whitespace, followed by a comma separated list of groups string false false false
tez.am.tez-ui.webservice.enable true String value Allow disabling of the Tez AM webservice. If set to false the Tez-UI wont show progress updates for running application. boolean false false false
tez.am.tez-ui.webservice.port-range 50000-50050 String value. Range of ports that the AM can use for the WebUIService. Leave blank to use all possible ports. Expert level setting. It's hadoop standard range configuration. For example 50000-50050,50100-50200 boolean false false false
tez.am.yarn.scheduler.class org.apache.tez.dag.app.rm.DagAwareYarnTaskScheduler String value. The class to be used for the YARN task scheduler. Expert level setting. string false false false
tez.application.tags null String value. Tags for the job that will be passed to YARN at submission time. Queries to YARN for applications can filter on these tags. string false false false
tez.aux.uris null Auxiliary resources to be localized for the Tez AM and all its containers. Value is comma-separated list of fully-resolved directories or file paths. All resources are made available into the working directory of the AM and/or containers i.e. $CWD. If directories are specified, they are not traversed recursively. Only files directly under the specified directory are localized. All duplicate resources are ignored. string false false false
tez.cancel.delegation.tokens.on.completion true boolean true false false
tez.classpath.add-hadoop-conf false Boolean value. If this value is true then tez explicitly adds hadoop conf directory into classpath for AM and task containers. Default is false. boolean true false true
tez.client.asynchronous-stop true Boolean value. Backwards compatibility setting. Changes TezClient stop to be a synchronous call waiting until AM is in a final state before returning to the user. Expert level setting. boolean false false false
tez.client.dag.status.cache.timeout-secs 60 Long value Status Cache timeout window in minutes for the DAGClient. long true false false
tez.client.diagnostics.wait.timeout-ms 3000 Long value Time to wait (in milliseconds) for yarn app's diagnotics is available Workaround for YARN-2560 long true false false
tez.client.timeout-ms 30000 Long value. Time interval, in milliseconds, for client to wait during client-requested AM shutdown before issuing a hard kill to the RM for this application. Expert level setting. long false false false
tez.java.opts.checker.class null String value. Ability to provide a different implementation to check/verify java opts defined for vertices/tasks. Class has to be an instance of JavaOptsChecker string true false false
tez.java.opts.checker.enabled true Boolean value. Default true. Ability to disable the Java Opts Checker boolean true false false
tez.task.concurrent.edge.trigger.type null String value. In the presence of concurrent input edge to a vertex, this describes the timing of scheduling downstream vertex tasks. It may be closely related to the type of event that will contribute to a scheduling decision. string false false false
tez.container.max.java.heap.fraction 0.8 Double value. Tez automatically determines the Xmx for the JVMs used to run Tez tasks and app masters. This feature is enabled if the user has not specified Xmx or Xms values in the launch command opts. Doing automatic Xmx calculation is preferred because Tez can determine the best value based on actual allocation of memory to tasks the cluster. The value if used as a fraction that is applied to the memory allocated Factor to size Xmx based on container memory size. Value should be greater than 0 and less than 1. Set this value to -1 to allow Tez to use different default max heap fraction for different container memory size. Current policy is to use 0.7 for container smaller than 4GB and use 0.8 for larger container. float false false false
tez.counters.counter-name.max-length 64 Int value. Configuration to limit the length of counter names. This can be used to limit the amount of memory being used in the app master to store the counters. Expert level setting. integer false false true
tez.counters.group-name.max-length 256 Int value. Configuration to limit the counter group names per app master. This can be used to limit the amount of memory being used in the app master to store the counters. Expert level setting. integer false false true
tez.counters.max 1200 Int value. Configuration to limit the counters per dag (AppMaster and Task). This can be used to limit the amount of memory being used in the app master to store the counters. Expert level setting. integer false false true
tez.counters.max.groups 500 Int value. Configuration to limit the number of counter groups for a DAG. This can be used to limit the amount of memory being used in the app master to store the counters. Expert level setting. integer false false true
tez.credentials.path null String value that is a file path. Path to a credentials file (with serialized credentials) located on the local file system. string false false false
tez.dag.status.pollinterval-ms 500 Long value Status Poll interval in Milliseconds used when getting DAG status with timeout. long false false false
tez.generate.debug.artifacts false boolean false false true
tez.history.logging.log.level null Enum value. Config to limit the type of events published to the history logging service. The valid log levels are defined in the enum {@link HistoryLogLevel}. The default value is defined in {@link HistoryLogLevel#DEFAULT}. string false false false
tez.history.logging.proto-base-dir null String value. The base directory into which history data will be written when proto history logging service is used for {@link TezConfiguration#TEZ_HISTORY_LOGGING_SERVICE_CLASS}. If this is not set, then logging is disabled for ProtoHistoryLoggingService. string false false false
tez.history.logging.proto-doas false Long value. The amount of time in seconds to wait to ensure all events for a day is synced to disk. This should be maximum time variation b/w machines + maximum time to sync file content and metadata. boolean false false false
tez.history.logging.queue.size 100000 Int value. Maximum queue size for proto history event logger. integer false false false
tez.history.logging.split-dag-start false Boolean value. Set this to true, if the underlying file system does not support flush (Ex: s3). The dag submitted, initialized and started events are written into a file and closed. The rest of the events are written into another file. boolean false false false
tez.history.logging.proto-sync-window-secs 60 Long value. The amount of time in seconds to wait to ensure all events for a day is synced to disk. This should be maximum time variation b/w machines + maximum time to sync file content and metadata. long false false false
tez.history.logging.service.class org.apache.tez.dag.history.logging.impl.SimpleHistoryLoggingService String value that is a class name. Specify the class to use for logging history data. To disable, set this to "org.apache.tez.dag.history.logging.impl.DevNullHistoryLoggingService" string false false false
tez.history.logging.taskattempt-filters null List of comma separated enum values. Specifies the list of task attempt termination causes, which have to be suppressed from being logged to ATS. The valid filters are defined in the enum TaskAttemptTerminationCause. The filters are applied only if tez.history.logging.log.level is set to TASK_ATTEMPT. string false false false
tez.history.logging.timeline-cache-plugin.old-num-dags-per-group null Comma separated list of Integers. These are the values that were set for the config value for {@value #TEZ_HISTORY_LOGGING_TIMELINE_NUM_DAGS_PER_GROUP}. The older values are required so that the groupIds generated previously will continue to be generated by the plugin. If an older value is not present then the UI may not show information for DAGs which were created with a different grouping value. Note: Do not add too many values here as it will affect the performance of Yarn Timeline Server/Tez UI due to the need to scan for more log files. string true false true
tez.history.logging.timeline.num-dags-per-group 1 Integer value. Number of DAGs to be grouped together. This is used by the history logging service to generate groupIds such that numDagsPerGroup will have same groupId in a given session. If the value is set to 1 then we disable grouping. This config is used to control the number of DAGs written into one log file, and hence controls number of files created in the Filesystem used by YARN Timeline. integer true false true
tez.tez-ui.history-url.base null String value Tez-UI Url base. This gets replaced in the TEZ_AM_TEZ_UI_HISTORY_URL_TEMPLATE ex http://ui-host:9001 or if its hosted with a prefix http://ui-host:9001/~user if the ui is hosted on the default port (80 for http and 443 for https), the port should not be specified. string false false false
tez.ignore.lib.uris null Boolean value. Allows to ignore 'tez.lib.uris'. Useful during development as well as raw Tez application where classpath is propagated with application via {@link LocalResource}s. This is mainly useful for developer/debugger scenarios. boolean false false true
tez.ipc.payload.reserved.bytes 5242880 Int value. SubmitDAGPlanRequest cannot be larger than Max IPC message size minus this number; otherwise, it will be serialized to HDFS and we transfer the path to server. Server will deserialize the request from HDFS. int true false false
tez.job.fs-servers null Acquire all FileSystems info. e.g., all namenodes info of HDFS federation cluster. string false false false
tez.job.fs-servers.token-renewal.exclude null Skip delegation token renewal for specified FileSystems. string false false false
tez.tez.jvm.system-properties-to-log null String value. Determines what JVM properties will be logged for debugging purposes in the AM and Task runtime logs. string false false false
tez.lib.uris null String value to a file path. The location of the Tez libraries which will be localized for DAGs. This follows the following semantics
  1. To use .tar.gz or .tgz files (generated by the tez or hadoop builds), the full path to this file (including filename) should be specified. The internal structure of the uncompressed tgz will be defined by 'tez.lib.uris.classpath'
  2. If a single file is specified without the above mentioned extensions - it will be treated as a regular file. This means it will not be uncompressed during runtime.
  3. If multiple entries exist
    • Regular Files: will be treated as regular files (not uncompressed during runtime)
    • Archive Files: will be treated as archives and will be uncompressed during runtime
    • Directories: all files under the directory (non-recursive) will be made available (but not uncompressed during runtime).
string false false false
tez.lib.uris.classpath null Specify additional user classpath information to be used for Tez AM and all containers. This will be appended to the classpath after PWD 'tez.lib.uris.classpath' defines the relative classpath into the archives that are set in 'tez.lib.uris' string false false false
tez.local.cache.root.folder . String value. TezLocalCacheManager uses this folder as a root for temp and localized files. string false false false
tez.local.mode false Boolean value. Enable local mode execution in Tez. Enables tasks to run in the same process as the app master. Primarily used for debugging. boolean false false false
tez.local.mode.without.network false Boolean value. Enable local mode execution in Tez without using network for communicating with DAGAppMaster. This option only makes sense when {@link #TEZ_LOCAL_MODE} is true. When TEZ_LOCAL_MODE_WITHOUT_NETWORK is turned on, LocalClient will call DAGAppMaster's methods directly. boolean false false false
tez.am.log.pattern.layout null By this option, user can easily override the logging pattern which is applied in TezContainerLogAppender in AM, regardless of the environmental settings. string false false false
tez.task.log.pattern.layout null By this option, user can easily override the logging pattern which is applied in TezContainerLogAppender in tasks, regardless of the environmental settings. string false false false
tez.mdc.custom.keys null Comma separated list of keys, which can used for defining keys in MDC. The corresponding values will be read from Configuration, see tez.mdc.custom.keys.conf.props for further details. string false false false
tez.mdc.custom.keys.conf.props null Comma separated list of Configuration keys. Tez will try to fill MDC with key value pairs in a way that a key will be the nth item in tez.mdc.custom.keys and the value will be the value from a Configuration object pointed by the nth key of tez.mdc.custom.keys.conf.props like below: tez.mdc.custom.keys=queryId,otherKey tez.mdc.custom.keys.conf.props=awesome.sql.app.query.id,awesome.sql.app.other.key So MDC will contain key -{@literal >} value pairs as: queryId -{@literal >} conf.get("awesome.sql.app.query.id") otherKey -{@literal >} conf.get("awesome.sql.app.other.key") string false false false
tez.mrreader.config.update.properties null Comma-separated list of properties that MRReaderMapred should return (if present) when calling for config updates. string false false false
tez.queue.name null String value. The queue name for all jobs being submitted from a given client. string false false false
tez.session.am.dag.submit.timeout.secs 300 Int value. Time (in seconds) for which the Tez AM should wait for a DAG to be submitted before shutting down. Only relevant in session mode. Any negative value will disable this check and allow the AM to hang around forever in idle mode. integer false false false
tez.session.client.timeout.secs 120 Int value. Time (in seconds) to wait for AM to come up when trying to submit a DAG from the client. Only relevant in session mode. If the cluster is busy and cannot launch the AM then this timeout may be hit. In those case, using non-session mode is recommended if applicable. Otherwise increase the timeout (set to -1 for infinity. Not recommended) integer false false false
tez.simple.history.logging.dir null String value. The directory into which history data will be written. This defaults to the container logging directory. This is relevant only when SimpleHistoryLoggingService is being used for {@link TezConfiguration#TEZ_HISTORY_LOGGING_SERVICE_CLASS} string false false false
tez.simple.history.max.errors 10 Int value. Maximum errors allowed while logging history data. After crossing this limit history logging gets disabled. The job continues to run after this. integer false false false
tez.task.am.heartbeat.counter.interval-ms.max 4000 Int value. Interval, in milliseconds, after which counters are sent to AM in heartbeat from tasks. This reduces the amount of network traffice between AM and tasks to send high-volume counters. Improves AM scalability. Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.task.am.heartbeat.interval-ms.max 100 Int value. The maximum heartbeat interval, in milliseconds, between the app master and tasks. Increasing this can help improve app master scalability for a large number of concurrent tasks. Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.task.generate.counters.per.io false Whether to generate counters per IO or not. Enabling this will rename CounterGroups / CounterNames to making them unique per Vertex + Src|Destination boolean true false true
tez.task.get-task.sleep.interval-ms.max 200 Int value. The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before a task asks an AM for another task. Increasing this can help improve app master scalability for a large number of concurrent tasks. Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.task.initialize-processor-first false Boolean value. Backwards compatibility setting for initializing IO processor before inputs and outputs. Expert level setting. boolean false false false
tez.task.initialize-processor-io-serially false Boolean value. Backwards compatibility setting for initializing inputs and outputs serially instead of the parallel default. Expert level setting. boolean false false false
tez.task.launch.cluster-default.cmd-opts -server -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dhadoop.metrics.log.level=WARN String value. Command line options which will be prepended to {@link #TEZ_TASK_LAUNCH_CMD_OPTS} during the launch of Tez tasks. This property will typically be configured to include default options meant to be used by all jobs in a cluster. If required, the values can be overridden per job. string false false false
tez.task.launch.cluster-default.env null String value. Env settings will be merged with {@link #TEZ_TASK_LAUNCH_ENV} during the launch of the task process. This property will typically be configured to include default system env meant to be used by all jobs in a cluster. If required, the values can be appended to per job. string false false false
tez.task.launch.cmd-opts null String value. Command line options provided during the launch of Tez Task processes. Its recommended to not set any Xmx or Xms in these launch opts so that Tez can determine them automatically. string false false false
tez.task.launch.env String value. Env settings for the Tez Task processes. Should be specified as a comma-separated of key-value pairs where each pair is defined as KEY=VAL e.g. "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.,USERNAME=foo" These take least precedence compared to other methods of setting env These get added to the task environment prior to launching it. This setting will prepend existing settings in the cluster default string false false false
tez.task.local-fs.write-limit.bytes -1 Limits the amount of data that can be written to LocalFileSystem by a Task. long false false false
tez.task.log.level INFO Root Logging level passed to the Tez tasks. Simple configuration: Set the log level for all loggers. e.g. INFO This sets the log level to INFO for all loggers. Advanced configuration: Set the log level for all classes, along with a different level for some. e.g. DEBUG;org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO;org.apache.hadoop.security=INFO This sets the log level for all loggers to DEBUG, expect for the org.apache.hadoop.ipc and org.apache.hadoop.security, which are set to INFO Note: The global log level must always be the first parameter. DEBUG;org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO;org.apache.hadoop.security=INFO is valid org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO;org.apache.hadoop.security=INFO is not valid string false false false
tez.task.max-events-per-heartbeat 500 Int value. Maximum number of of events to fetch from the AM by the tasks in a single heartbeat. Expert level setting. Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.task.max-event-backlog 10000 Int value. Maximum number of pending task events before a task will stop asking for more events in the task heartbeat. Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.task.progress.stuck.interval-ms -1 Long value. Interval, in milliseconds, within which any of the tasks Input/Processor/Output components need to make successive progress notifications. If the progress is not notified for this interval then the task will be considered hung and terminated. The value for this config should be larger than {@link TezConfiguration#TASK_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_MS} and larger than 2 times the value of {@link TezConfiguration#TEZ_TASK_AM_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS}. A config value <=0 disables this. string false false false
tez.task.resource.calculator.process-tree.class null string true false true
tez.task.resource.cpu.vcores 1 Int value. The number of virtual cores to be used by tasks. integer false false false
tez.task.resource.memory.mb 1024 Int value. The amount of memory in MB to be used by tasks. This applies to all tasks across all vertices. Setting it to the same value for all tasks is helpful for container reuse and thus good for performance typically. integer false false false
tez.task.scale.memory.additional-reservation.fraction.max null float true false true
tez.task.scale.memory.additional-reservation.fraction.per-io null Fraction of available memory to reserve per input/output. This amount is removed from the total available pool before allocation and is for factoring in overheads. float true false true
tez.task.scale.memory.allocator.class org.apache.tez.runtime.library.resources.WeightedScalingMemoryDistributor The allocator to use for initial memory allocation string true false true
tez.task.scale.memory.enabled true Whether to scale down memory requested by each component if the total exceeds the available JVM memory boolean true false true
tez.task.scale.memory.reserve-fraction 0.3 The fraction of the JVM memory which will not be considered for allocation. No defaults, since there are pre-existing defaults based on different scenarios. double true false true
tez.task.scale.memory.ratios null string true false true
tez.task-specific.launch.cmd-opts null Additional launch command options to be added for specific tasks. __VERTEX_NAME__ and __TASK_INDEX__ can be specified, which would be replaced at runtime by vertex name and task index. e.g tez.task-specific.launch.cmd-opts= "-agentpath:libpagent.so,dir=/tmp/__VERTEX_NAME__/__TASK_INDEX__" string false false true
tez.task-specific.launch.cmd-opts.list null Set of tasks for which specific launch command options need to be added. Format: "vertexName[csv of task ids];vertexName[csv of task ids].." Valid e.g: v[0,1,2] - Additional launch-cmd options for tasks 0,1,2 of vertex v v[1,2,3];v2[5,6,7] - Additional launch-cmd options specified for tasks of vertices v and v2. v[1:5,20,30];v2[2:5,60,7] - Additional launch-cmd options for 1,2,3,4,5,20,30 of vertex v; 2, 3,4,5,60,7 of vertex v2 Partial ranges like :5, 1: are not supported. v[] - Additional launch-cmd options for all tasks in vertex v string false false true
tez.task-specific.log.level null Task specific log level. Simple configuration: Set the log level for all loggers. e.g. INFO This sets the log level to INFO for all loggers. Advanced configuration: Set the log level for all classes, along with a different level for some. e.g. DEBUG;org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO;org.apache.hadoop.security=INFO This sets the log level for all loggers to DEBUG, expect for the org.apache.hadoop.ipc and org.apache.hadoop.security, which are set to INFO Note: The global log level must always be the first parameter. DEBUG;org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO;org.apache.hadoop.security=INFO is valid org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO;org.apache.hadoop.security=INFO is not valid string false false true
tez.test.minicluster.app.wait.on.shutdown.secs 30 Long value. Time to wait (in seconds) for apps to complete on MiniTezCluster shutdown. long true false false
tez.thread.dump.interval 0ms Frequency at which thread dump should be captured. Supports TimeUnits. string false false false
tez.user.classpath.first true Boolean value. Specify whether the user classpath takes precedence over the Tez framework classpath. boolean false false false
tez.use.cluster.hadoop-libs false Boolean value. Specify whether hadoop libraries required to run Tez should be the ones deployed on the cluster. This is disabled by default - with the expectation being that tez.lib.uris has a complete tez-deployment which contains the hadoop libraries. boolean false false false
tez.yarn.ats.acl.domains.auto-create true boolean false false false
tez.yarn.ats.event.flush.timeout.millis -1 Int value. Time, in milliseconds, to wait while flushing YARN ATS data during shutdown. Expert level setting. long false false false
tez.yarn.ats.max.events.per.batch 5 Int value. Max no. of events to send in a single batch to ATS. Expert level setting. integer false false false
tez.yarn.ats.max.polling.time.per.event.millis 10 Int value. Time, in milliseconds, to wait for an event before sending a batch to ATS. Expert level setting. integer false false false